Audit & Assurance > Statutory Audit

Statutory Audit is Audit of Books of Accounts in compliance with requirements of any Statute to assure true and fair view of the accounts as well as compliance with any special condition of the law under which audit is initiated. In short, statutory audit is Audit under the Companies Act. Accounts of every company integrated under the companies act in India are needed to get it audited from a Chartered Accountant in Practice to assure true and fair view of its accounts & interrelated statements. Further, the auditor has to check compliance with various regulations & provisions of the Companies Act. Statutory Audit assures reliability of annual accounts of the company for various stakeholders of Accounts of the Company like government, shareholders, debtors, creditors, bankers etc.

The complication of Statutory Audit Function has increased manifolds recently. Globalization, complex Business and Statutory environment combined with need for synchronization with various global accounting standards and ever increasing faith on audited accounts by a variety of stakeholders has put ever increasing answerability on the shoulders of any statutory auditor.

What A R P A N & Associates LLP

Our statutory audit team consists of ever developing & updated set of adequate individuals trained broadly for conducting auditing function. Our auditing team is trained on the ever changing statutory requirements to stay ahead of the loop. Our statutory audit department is geared to conduct audit under relevant statute along with complying with various global accounting & auditing standards to assure usability of audited accounts for most of the stakeholders like financial institutions, shareholders, directors, investors, government, bank and general public at large.

For any information / query regarding Statutory Audit feel free to contact us.

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