Certification Work Under Various Laws

One of the most rigorous & significant service of professional is issuance of certificates to its client required for various purposes under different relevant rules & regulation. Broadly, following types of certificates are being needed by the business houses based upon their constitution/ the privileges being be pleased by them under the law, financial arrangement with the financial institution, benefit & deductions to be claimed under statue and periodical compliance of relevant rules & regulation.

Commonly, following types of certificates are needed to carry on business activities in India:

  • Certificates on the support of financial books of accounts and annual financial statements.
  • Certificates on the grounds of statutory records being maintained under Indian Companies Act, 2013 and other applicable laws.
  • Certification of statutory liabilities.
  • Certification of Fare Values of Shares of Company for the scope of merger/de-merger, Buy Back, Allotment of further shares and transfer of shares from resident to nonresident.
  • Certificates for foreign remittance to be made by resident in India to foreign entity outside India u/s 195 of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
  • Net worth Certificates needed for the purpose of Bank finances, furnishing of Bank guarantee and issuance of Visa by Embassy.
  • Certification of arms length price u/ 92 of the income Tax Act, 1961.
  • Utilization certificates of various grants being discharge by Govt. of India to NGO’s, Statutory Bodies, Autonomous Bodies, and charitable organizations.
  • Certificates for claiming various deductions & exemption under various rules & regulation.
  • Certification under the Income-Tax laws for various deductions, etc.
  • Certification for Transfer Pricing.
  • Certification under the Indirect Taxes.
  • Certification under Exchange Control legislation for imports, remittances, ECB,DGFT,EOU, etc

What A R P A N & Associates LLP Offers

We have been undertaking certification work assignments beyond different industry sectors such. We have been strongly involved in all type of certification work. We honor ourselves on a practical, ethical and professional access to all certification work issues. Our role is to work in the best interests of our client, giving best opinion, avoiding conflicts of interest and acting with honesty at all times with the profession & tax authority with regard of ethical code of conduct.

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