We are leading and well recognized names in the field of offering service support for Entry Tax Consultancy services. Entry tax is levied on products which transfer or enter from-one state to another or one District to another district through sale and as such the product is not restructured. There are two types of entry taxes available –
VAT - Entry Tax Service
- Entry on Motor Vehicles—Motor where vehicles purchased in other state entering a different State are required to pay levied entry tax and are applicable for vehicles liable to be registered under Motor Vehicles Act
- Entry Tax on goods
We offer following service like residential, local & commercial property tax for our service tax clients This includes:
- Stamp Duty that is imposed on execution of specified instruments and is levied & governed by Indian Stamp Act, 1899 or State Stamp Acts
- Research and Development Cess that is a special levy on payment made for purchase of technology from abroad and includes payments for technicians, royalty payments, lump sum payments and payments for design and drawings
- Local Property Taxes where property tax is payable as per local municipal laws on both commercial & residential properties
- Also include following
- Registration
- Record to be maintained and invoice.
- Tax payment
- Classification of goods/services
- Adjustment of excess tax paid
- Credit of service tax paid
- Interest and penalty
- Notice and visit by departmental officer
- Assessment
- Revision and appeal.
- Refund of tax